Christian Baby Names With Meanings Girl



The Ultimate List of Biblical Girl Names (With Meanings)


When we think of the Bible, we think of wise and courageous men who were valiant leaders to their people and faithful servants to God. But there were many Biblical women who possessed equal strength, fearlessness, and intelligence (if not more), and whose actions and words have shaped history.

If you're looking for strong women role models to name your baby girl after, there is no better collection of ideas than the Holy Book. This comprehensive list includes the names of all biblical women in the Old and New Testament, as well as places and virtues that can be used as names.

Girl Names From the Bible

  • Abigail: A father's joy. Described as intelligent and beautiful, Abigail was married to a man named Nabal who was ungrateful to King David. She tried to diffuse tension between the two men, and urged King David not to incite bloodshed, reminding him that God will reward him by giving him a lasting kingdom. For these words, she is regarded as a prophet. When Nabal died, she became David's second wife. (Samuel 25:3)
  • Abihail: The father of strength. This unisex name refers to several people in the Bible, including the daughter of David's brother, Eliab. (2 Chronicles 11:18)
  • Adah: An assembly. Adah is one of Lamech's wives and mother of Jabal and Jubal. (Genesis 4:19)
  • Adina: Slender and dainty. The name was used by a solider in the Old Testament, but in modern Hebrew, it is actually a girl's name. (1 Chronicles 11:42)
  • Anna: Hebrew for "grace." Anna is the only female prophetess in the New Testament, and was present when a young Jesus presented at the Temple (Luke 1:1-2:40).
  • Ariel: The literal meaning is "lion of God," but in the Bible it is a name given to the city of Jerusalem and in that context, it means "victorious under God." (Ezra 8:16)
  • Artemis: Whole or sound. Artemis was a hunting and wilderness goddess of the Ephesians. (Acts 19:24)
  • Atarah: A crown. The word is mentioned several times in the Bible (1 Chronicles 2:26)
  • Bathsheba: Daughter of an oath. Wife of King David and mother of King Solomon, the wise. David spied her taking a bath on her rooftop and sent her then husband to the front lines to be killed so he could take her as his wife. (Samuel 2:11)
  • Bernice: A Greek name meaning "one who brings peace." Bernice was the daughter of King Herod Agrippa I and a sister of King Herod Agrippa II (Acts 25:13).
  • Bethany: A village town record in the New Testament, and home to Lazarus. It is Hebrew for "house of song." (Matthew 21:17)
  • Bekah: The word means "half a shekel" or a "part" or "division." (Exodus 38:26)
  • Bethel: The house of God. A town in the south of Judah between Benjamin and Ephraim. (Genesis 12:8)
  • Beulah: Married. Used in the Bible as another name for Jerusalem. (Isaiah 62:4)
  • Bilhah: Who is old or confused. Rache's handmaid whom she gives to her husband Jacob to bear their family children. (Genesis 29:29)
  • Calah: Favorable. An ancient city of Assyria that was once the empire's capital. (Genesis 10:11–12)
  • Camon: Full of stalks. This was where Jair was buried. (Judges 10:5)
  • Candace: Who possesses contrition. She was the queen of the Ethiopians. (Acts 8:27)
  • Carmel: Harvest. A beautiful mountain range in Palestine. (Joshua 12:22)
  • Chloe: Greek for "green herb." Chloe was a Christian woman living in Corinth who was an acquaintance of the apostle Paul. (1 Corinthians 1:11)
  • Cilicia: Which rolls or overturns. An early Roman province and important political entity. (Acts 6:9)
  • Claudia: lame. She was an early Christian woman. Many suspect that she is the wife of Pontius Pilate who goes by many names. (2 Timothy 4:21)
  • Clement: Merciful. An early Christian working in Corinth. (Philippians 4:3)
  • Cleophas: The whole glory. One of the men who encountered Jesus when he resurrected from the dead. (Luke 24:18)
  • Damaris: A little woman. A woman who attended Paul's preaching in Athens and embraced Christianity. (Acts 17:34)
  • Daniela: God my judge. Feminine form of Daniel, who was a prophet and author of Book of Daniel. (1 Chronicles 3:1)
  • Deborah: Word. She was a prophetess and heroine who lead the Israelites when they were under attack by the Canaanites. (Judges 4:4)
  • Delilah: Amorous. She was Samson's mistress who cut his hair to weaken him and help the Philistines destroy the Israelites. (Judges 16:4-20)
  • Diana: Latin for "luminous" or "perfect." Diana was the Greek goddess of childbirth and the moon. (Acts 19:27)
  • Dinah: The only daughter of Jacob and Leah who is mentioned in the Bible. Her Hebrew name means "judgement". (Genesis 30:21)
  • Dorcas: A female roe-deer. She was a disciple from Joppa. (Acts 9:36)
  • Drusilla: Fruitful or dewy-eyed. Daughter of Herod Agrippa who died when Mount Vesuvius erupted. (Acts 24:24)

Biblical Inspired Names






















  • Eden/Edna: Pleasure or delight. The Garden where Adam and Eve resided. (Genesis 2:8)
  • Elisha: "Salvation of God" in Latin (Luke 1:5)
  • Elizabeth: God's oath. She was John the Baptist's mother and Mary's cousin. (Luke 1:5)
  • Esther: A beautiful Jewish Queen who fasted and championed for the salvation of the Jewish people in the face of genocide (Esther 2:7)
  • Eunice: Good victory. A Jewish woman who accepted Christianity. (2 Timothy 1:5)
  • Eve/Eva: Adam's first wife and the first woman. She tempted Adam to eat the fruit of the forbidden tree. (Genesis 2:18)
  • Fortunatus:Fortunate or lucky. A disciple of Paul who brought the first of his letters to the Corinthians.(1 Corinthians 16:17)
  • Gabriela/Gabrielle: God is my strength. The messenger archangel who announced the birth of John the Baptist and of Jesus. (Daniel 9:21)
  • Hadassah: Compassion. Queen Esther's Jewish name. (Esther 2:7)
  • Hagar: Flight. She is the mother of Abraham's first-born son, Ishmael. (Genesis 16:1)
  • Hannah: Favor or grace. One of the wives of Elkanah and mother of Samuel. (1 Samuel 1:2)
  • Huldah: The world. She was an important prophetess. (2 Kings 22:14)

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Christian Girl Names


























  • Jael: Mountain goat. A courageous woman who killed Sisera, a commander of the Canaanite army. (Judges 4:17)
  • Jasper: Glittering. Jasper was mentioned as a stone that made up the walls of the Holy Temple of Jerusalem. (Exodus 28:20)
  • Jemima: A little dove. She was Job's eldest daughter. (Job 42:14)
  • Joanna: God is gracious. She was a woman who was healed by Jesus and later a devoted supporter of his mission. (Luke 8:3)
  • Jochebed: Honorable. She was the mother of Moses. (Exodus 6:20)
  • Jordan: To flow. The river where Jesus was baptized. (Genesis 13:10)
  • Judith: Woman of Judea. A heroine who beheaded the Assyrian general, Holofernes. (Genesis 26:34)
  • Julia: Curly haired. She was mentioned in the bible as someone Paul gave warm salutations to. (Romans 16:15)
  • Kamon: His resurrection. The place were Jair was burried. (Judges 10:5)
  • Kerioth: There were two cities mentioned in the Bible with this name. (Jeremiah 48:24)
  • Keturah: Fragrance. She was Abraham's wife after the death of Sarah. She bored him 6 sons. (Genesis 25:1)
  • Leah: Weary. She was one of Jacob's wives along with Rachel. (Genesis 29:16)
  • Lillian/ Lily: Pure beauty. A flower mentioned several times in the Bible and regarded for its beauty. (Song of Solomon 2:1)
  • Lois: Desirable. Timothy's devout grandmother. (2 Timothy 1:5)
  • Lydia: Standing pool. She was a seller of purple from the town of Thyatira and was one of the first documented converts to Christianity. (Acts 16:14)
  • Magdalene: A person from Magdala. She is depicted in the Bible as a prostitute whom Jesus saved from stoning. She later became his follower. (Matthew. 27:56)
  • Mara/Marah: Bitter. Naomi's other name. (Exodus 15:23)
  • Martha: Provoking. She was Lazarus' sister. (Luke 10:38)
  • Mary: Sea of bitterness. Mother of Jesus and wife of Joseph. (Matthew 1:16)
  • Michelle: One who is like God. Archangel Michael commands God's army and conquered Satan. (1 Samuel 18:20)
  • Miriam: Rebellion or sea of sorrow. She was Moses' and Aaron's sister and a prophetess. (Exodus 15:20)
  • Mishael: Who asked for or lent. Uzziel's eldest son. (Exodus 6:22)
  • Myra: To weep or pour out. One of the main towns in Lycia. (Acts 27:5)
  • Naomi: Beautiful; agreeable. Ruth's mother-in-law. (Ruth 1:2)
  • Neriah: Lamp of the Lord. Father of Mahseiah. It is a unisex name that can be used for girls or boys. (Jeremiah 32:12)
  • Ophrah/Oprah: Dust; lead; a fawn. She was from the tribe of Moab and was the daughter-in-law of Naomi and Ruth's sister-in-law. (Judges 6:11)
  • Paula: Small. Feminine version of Paul, an early Christian disciple of Christ.(Acts 13:9)
  • Phoebe: Shining; pure. A trusted early Christian woman who delivered Paul's letters to the Romans. (Romans 16:1)
  • Prisca/Priscilla: Ancient. Priscilla was married to Aquila, and together, they traveled with Paul to do missionary work. (Acts 18:2)
  • Rachel: Sheep. Jacob's wife and mother of Jospeh and Benjamin. (Genesis 29:6)
  • Rebecca: A quarrel appeased. Wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau. (Genesis 22:23)
  • Rhoda: A rose. She was a slave woman who went to answer the door when Peter knocked. When she recognized Peter's voice, she went to tell others but they did not believe her. Still she insisted and demonstrated faith. (Acts 12:13)
  • Ruth: Satisfied. Known for her kindness. She is the ancestor of King David. (Ruth 1:4)
  • Sapphira: That relates or tells. Member of the early Christian church in Jerusalem (Acts 5:1)
  • Sarah/Sarai/Serah: Princess of the multitude. Wife of Abraham and mother of Issac. (Genesis 17:15)
  • Selah: A musical notation meaning "to pause." It is mentioned 71 times in the Book of Psalms. (Psalm 3:2)
  • Sharon: A plain, flat area. It refers to the fertile land in Palestine with abundant roses and oak trees. (1 Chronicles 5:16)
  • Sherah: Flesh or relationship. She is the daughter of Ephraim and has a town named after her: Uzzen-sherah. (1 Chronicles 7:24)
  • Shiloh: The peaceful one. It is an ancient town and main center of worship for Israelites. Is is also the name of a figure mentioned during Jacob's benediction to his son Judah. (Joshua 18:8)
  • Shiphrah: That does good. Shiphrah was one of two midwives who disobeyed Pharaoh's commands to kill the first-born children and instead delivered babies during the genocide. (Exodus 1:15)
  • Susanna/Susannah: Lily. Susanna was a young woman in the Bible who was accosted by two elders while bathing in a garden. They blackmailed her into sex. When she refused, they accused her of meeting her lover there and was sent to be stoned to death, but her innocence was maintained by Daniel, the prophet. (Luke 8:3)
  • Tabitha: Clear-sighted. A disciple from the town of Joppa who rose from the dead after Peter said a prayer for her. (Acts 9:36)
  • Talitha: Little girl. It is an Aramaic first name. It is mentioned in the Bible when Jesus said, "Talitha cumi" or "Little girl, rise" to raise a young woman from the dead. (Mark 5:41)
  • Tamar/Tamara Palm tree. When her husband Er died, she had children with his father in order to bear fruit for the family of Judah. (Genesis 38:6)
  • Terah: Wanderer. Terah was father of Abraham. It can be used as a girl or boy name. (Numbers 33:27)
  • Tirzah: Benevolent. Daughter of Zelophehad. (Numbers 26:33)
  • Zemira: Song or vine. He was Becher's son, who was Benjamin's son. (1 Chronicles 7:8)
  • Zilpah: Distillation from the mouth. She was Leah's handmaid and surrogate mother and gave birth to two of Leah's sons, Gad and Asher (Genesis 29:24)
  • Zina: Abundance. Son of Shimei the Gershonite, but can be used as a girl's name. (1 Chronicles 23:10)
  • Zipporah: Beauty; trumpet; mourning. Moses' wife.(Exodus 2:21)

Michael Duncan from Germany on December 11, 2019:

Wow, Sam, what a fantastic resource you have compiled here! For years I've read the scriptures and heard the names being used in every-day life without really grasping the depths of meaning behind each one. (I had no idea for example, that Martha actually meant that!)

Unlike the case today, names were given back then fundamentally because of the core meaning they carried and the fact that they represented an integral part of the individual's identity as well as their destiny.

Your piece brings out this reality vividly and effectively. Planning on checking out your other articles on related subjects and coming across more fascinating discoveries! This is well done. Thanks for sharing!

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Christian Baby Names With Meanings Girl


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