Funny Man on Balcony Canada Jily 4

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Uproar as Justin Trudeau hurls four-letter obscenity at Peter Kent in House of Commons

There are reports that Justin Trudeau allegedly called Peter Kent 'a piece of s---' in the House of Commons on Wednesday. This was reported by the Post's John Ivison on twitter:

OTTAWA — Justin Trudeau caused uproar in the House of Commons today after he called Federal Environment Minister Peter Kent a "piece of shit" during a heated question time debate over the Kyoto Protocol.

The Liberal MP for Papineau immediately apologized,  admitting he "lost his cool" after Kent questioned why NDP environment critic Megan Leslie had not attended last week's climate change summit in South Africa.Canada officially withdrew from the Kyoto accord on Monday, drawing pointed criticism from overseas signatories to the pact.

Trudeau became incensed after Kent suggested that Leslie should have been in Durban for the UN meeting, despite the minister banning all non-government MPs from Canada's official delegation.

Peter Kent in the House of Commons gets a 'piece' of Justin Tredeau's mind on Wednesday.

In questioning Kent, Leslie suggested Canada was abandoning Kyoto to hide the Conservative government's failure to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

As the environment minister responded to the question, Trudeau could be heard shouting, "Oh, you piece of shit," at Kent.

The environment minister claimed he wasn't worried by Trudeau's language, but called on the Liberal MP to apologize to the House.

Speaker Andrew Scheer said he would deal with the incident after question period. Kent then continued with his answer as stunned MPs looked on.

"I lost my temper and used language that was most decidedly unparliamentary and for that I unreservedly apologize and withdraw my remark," Trudeau said immediately after question period."

Eyewitness account from the Post's John Ivison The last QP of the year was proceeding along in typically mundane fashion when Peter Kent, the Environment Minister, denigrated his NDP critic, Megan Leslie, for not attending the Durban conference on climate change. This inflamed the excitable Mr. Trudeau, since the government decided not to accredit any opposition members, making it hard for them to attend. He leapt to his feet, shouted out: "You piece of sh–" and stared down the Conservative benches.

Leslie claimed later that Trudeau's bad language was partly fueled by the "shameful" tactics used by the Tories in question time: "I think he recognized that it wasn't parliamentary. Sometimes though the Conservatives and their games do get the better of us and we react," she said.

"I think it was an honest reaction. He apologized for it. I just wish that the Conservatives would actually talk about issues and stop with the name-calling and these kinds of dirty tricks. It's really shameful," Leslie added.

A shocked Green Party leader Elizabeth May reported on the incident directly from the House of Commons on Twitter:!/ElizabethMay/status/147037538253668352!/ElizabethMay/status/147038118745350144

In a case of like father, like son, former prime minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau caused outrage in 1971 after MPs accused him of mouthing "f— off" in the Commons. He denied swearing, claiming he uttered "fuddle duddle" instead.

Justin Trudeau's colourful comments were also immediately reported by the National Post's John Ivison on twitter:!/IvisonJ/status/147037292387762176!/IvisonJ/status/147040102063935488!/IvisonJ/status/147037609313570816!/IvisonJ/statuses/147046540853248001

The Post's Chris Selley says this actually makes him like Trudeau more. Sort of.!/cselley/statuses/147044061675655168

In a expletive-filled day in Ottawa, Trudeau's comments came just hours after Liberal leader Bob Rae released a swear word of his own on twitter. New Democrat MP Pat Martin also recently used obscenities on Twitter after the government cut short a debate on the budget bill.!/bobraeMP/statuses/146982593013878784



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