Planning a Trip to Busch Gardens Tampa

How to Plan a Stress Free Trip through the Airport


You might laugh about putting "stress free" and "airport" in the same sentence, but it really can be done. You can plan your trip so that your time in the airport is as stress free as possible. No, you don't have to travel alone or leave the kids at home. Even with a family, you can have an enjoyable, relaxed traveling experience. Here's how.

Use an Airport Map

Yes, there are overhead signs that try to help you find your way, but a map can take all the guesswork out of finding your next gate. Sometimes you can find a printed map at the airport or print one from the computer before you leave. If you forget, all is not lost – simply use your cell phone to look up the map of the airport you're in.

There are maps for all kinds of airports. You can look for JFK International Airport, Dubai International Airport, or Atlanta International Airport. When you're travelling through these large hubs, it can be easy to get turned around. Make sure the map you find is current – renovations happen all the time.

Weigh Your Bags Before You Leave

Having a back be overweight so that you have to pay an extra fee seems like a straight line to stress-ville. Instead, weigh your fully packed back before you leave. You'll be able to tell if it's overweight or if you should shift things between bags to make everything work out. Don't forget to weigh your family's bags as well. It's best to prevent problems rather than holding up everyone else in line at the Seattle International Airport as you dig for your wallet.

Carry All of Your Paperwork Together

With today's security requirements, you need a lot of documentation just to get through security and on the plane. Keep all of your papers – and everyone in your family, if applicable – in one place. A specific pocket of your carry-on is a good option.

Be careful about carrying this valuable information in a backpack or in your pocket. Unfortunately it's easy to get pick-pocketed in a busy airport like Sydney International Airport or Melbourne International Airport, and that's definitely stressful.

Make the Airport a Fun Game For Children

Keeping kids entertained, focused, and together throughout the airport experience can be a challenge. However, children love games, so think about how to make the experience a game for them.

For instance, challenge them to see who can empty their pockets, take off their belts, shoes, coats, and jewelry the fastest in the security lane – without dropping anything. Then, have a contest to see who can get redressed the fastest. A small candy bar or soda is a tiny price to pay for focused, engaged kids as you get through security at a big airport like Toronto International Airport.

Plan Sufficient Layovers

One of the most stressful parts of airport travel is one we create for ourselves – the too-short layover. We figure we can just make it, and that will mean no wasted time… until we don't make it. Then we have tons of wasted time.

Your first flight can be delayed, your second flight might be at the other end of the airport, and more. Don't create stress where there doesn't need to be any. Plan your flights with sufficient gaps and use the time to relax and enjoy your trip. There's no reason to be a ball of stress when you're supposed to be on vacation. With these tips, you can breeze through the airport and actually enjoy your time off.

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