What Is the House of Representatives Role in Making Treaties

Difference Between House and Senate

The Congress is the main legislative body of the U.Due south. government and is composed of two chambers: the Senate and the Firm of Representatives. The legislative branch of the government has the primary part of making laws, but the Congress is likewise responsible for the approval of Federal Judges and Justices, for passing the national budget and for assisting the U.S. President in foreign policy matters.

Commodity i of the U.S. constitutions reads "All legislative Powers herein granted shall exist vested in a Congress of the Us, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives."ane While the participation of both chambers is necessary to enact the legislative process, the remaining sections of Article i of the Constitution grant unique and dissimilar powers to the two bodies.

House of Representatives 2

The Firm of Representatives – or lower firm – is the well-nigh autonomous and national-oriented of the ii bodies. When the U.S. constitution was originally drafted, the legislators believed that the government should take at to the lowest degree a democratic component/aspect. Therefore, the House was created to directly correspond the citizens and be directly answerable to the people. The main features of the House of Representatives are:

  • Proportional representation;

  • Two-year terms: congressmen and congress-women should be straight accountable and, therefore, should exist more than responsive to pop demands;

  • Congressmen and congresswomen serve the two-year term in a specific congressional commune;

  • Representatives have the duty to serve on committees, introduce bills and resolutions and advise amendments;

  • 435 representatives: the House is the largest sleeping room;

  • Each private State has a dissimilar number of Representatives, depending on the number of persons who alive in the State;

  • In order to become a member of the Firm, representatives must be at to the lowest degree 25 years old, and must have lived in the United States for 7 years – which means that they exercise not need to be born in the The states;

  • The Business firm is chaired by the Speaker of the House who is a member of the body – even though the Constitution does not strictly specify that this has to exist the case;

  • House leadership also includes bulk and minority leaders, banana leaders, whips and a party conclave or conference: the House works in a more organized and hierarchic manner compared to the Senate;

  • The Business firm has no say in the appointment of Ambassadors, Federal Judges and Cabinet Members;

  • Limited debate: due to the large number of representatives, there are speaking-time limits that must be respected during the debates;

  • Impeachment: Commodity 1, Section 2 of the U.S Constitutions states that the Business firm of Representatives "shall have the sole Power of Impeachment;" and

  • All revenue bills concerning taxes must originate in the house with a democratic process.

Senate 3

The Senate – or upper business firm – was conceived to be more aristocratic. In fact, when the Constitution was originally written, earlier the 17th amendment, Senators were indirectly elected by the Country legislators instead of being directly elected past the people. The main features of the U.S. Senate are:

  • Two senators per state: as this trunk was intended to be the Federal bedroom, every State – no matter how little – has the same representation. This means that California and Wyoming take the same number of Senators;

  • Six-twelvemonth terms, simply every 2 years i third of Senators are up for election;

  • The Senate was conceived to be an "insulated" torso where treaties and foreign policy could be debated in the style of the Roman Senate just without the abiding interference of public opinion. In this mode, Senators can decide and do whatever is in the best interest of the land, even if that is not necessarily the about pop culling;

  • There are 100 Senators – the Senate is the smaller of the two chambers;

  • In social club to go a member of the Senate, nominees must be at least xxx years old and must have lived in the U.s. for a minimum of 9 years – without having necessarily being built-in in the Usa;

  • The Senate is chaired by the Vice President who is not a member. The Vice President has the power to vote to interruption a necktie, just is not entitled to vote to create a tie;

  • The Senate has the tradition of unlimited debate: being the smaller house with an aristocratic tradition, in the Senate there are no speaking-time limits;

  • Senatorial courtesy: due to the aristocratic tradition, when Senators refer to each other, they do not do so by proper noun;

  • Confirmation of Presidential appointments: the Senate has the duty to confirm the Presidential nominations of Federal Judges, Chiffonier Members and Ambassadors. In other words, the appointment process just happens with the "advise and consent" of the Senate: if the President does non get the majority of the votes of the Senate, his nominees will non be appointed;

  • With a 2/3 vote, the Senate has the ability to ratify or reject treaties that were negotiated by the President; and

  • The Senate assists the President in his function of chief diplomat. The Senate is the only firm assisting the President in foreign policy (i.e. assay of foreign treaties, decisions concerning the initiation or the catastrophe of a war etc.)

The U.S. Senate has an incredible power in all what concerns the country's foreign policy. For case, in 1919, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson actively participated in the drafting of the Treaty of Versaille and became a strong supporter of the League of Nations. Even so, despite the popular support, the U.S. Senate refused to ratify the treaty and, therefore, the United States never joined the League of Nations4.

Given its smaller dimensions, the Senate has more flexible rules and maintains its traditional aristocratic features, including the "Filibuster". According to the "Filibuster", whoever gets the flooring can keep information technology for equally long as he/she wants and tin talk almost any he/she wants, even if his/her speech is non pertinent to the topic of word. Such freedom has led to interesting episodes in the past. For instance, in the 1930s, Louisiana Senator Huey P. Long in one case held the floor for over fifteen hours; but the record goes to South Carolina Senator J. Strom Thurmond who filibustered for 24 hours and 18 minutes against the Ceremonious Rights Human action in 19575 (and eventually lost). Taking the flooring and filibustering for hours is a technique employed to push button the other members of the Senate to compromise and implies the fact that, sometimes, minorities can rule the Senate. All the same, this was not the case for Senator Thurmond.


Both the Senate and the House of Representatives are role of the U.Southward Congress, the legislative co-operative of the government that has the office of making laws – which volition be enacted by the executive co-operative of the government, headed by the U.Southward. President – of blessing Federal Judges, Ambassadors and Cabinet Members nominated past the President, and of profitable the President (the principal diplomat) in foreign policy matters, including in the withdrawal of troops, the ratification of international treaties and the initiation of wars.

The different powers and features of the two houses are decided in Commodity i of the U.Due south. Constitution. The main differences between the two bodies are:

  • The Senate has 100 members while the House 435;

  • Senators serve six-year long terms while Representatives are elected for 2 years;

  • The Senate supports the President in strange policy matters while the House creates all revenue bills;

  • The Senate has an aristocratic tradition while the Business firm is more democratic and closer to the population;

  • The Senate is chaired by the Vice President who is non a member while the House is chaired by the Speaker of the House;

  • The Senate approves Presidential nominees for Federal Judges and Members of the Chiffonier while the House has no say in this process; and

  • There are two Senators for each State while the number of Representatives per State vary co-ordinate to the population.

The piece of work of the two chambers is strictly intertwined and the Congress needs the support of both bodies to be able to practice its functions. Both the Senate and the House of Representatives play a major role in shaping the legislative framework of the The states and take the fundamental duty of profitable – likewise as limiting and controlling – the work and the power of the U.S. President in the creation or modification of National laws, in the appointment of key political and judicial actors, and in the ratification of international treaties.

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Source: http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/politics/difference-between-house-and-senate/

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